ATABOYLER Closed Expansion Tanks are to meet the volumetric change of the heated water in heating systems and to keep the static pressure created by the pump at the level of usage in the plumbing booster applications.

It is designed to reduce the number of pump switches and to compensate for changes in water flow. A properly selected expansion tank in the system prevents sudden pressure changes and extends the life of the installation elements and the pump.

Technicial Specifications

* Membranes in the closed expansion tank are bellows type.

* System water does not come into contact with the metal tank.

* Therefore, all ATABOYLER closed expansion can be used in both heating / cooling and plumbing.

* The membranes used are EPDM. It is the highest quality membrane polymer that can be used in food applications. It does not smell.

* ATABOYLER closed expansion tanks operating temperature ranges are -10 ° C, + 100 ° C.

* The antifreeze used in the cooling system does not affect the membrane.

* ATABOYLER closed expansions are coated with electrostatic powder paint.

* 50 liter and larger tanks are free standing.

* In 100 liters and above closed expansions, there is a manometer and gas valve on the side, in a special housing.

* The closed expansion is filled with nitrogen to provide pre-gas pressure. Air can also be used in place of nitrogen while adjusting the pressure at the place of use.

* Since sy circulating in the installation in heating systems will not evaporate, there is no need to add water to the system frequently.
